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Revitalize Domestic Tourism Market with High Quality Development of Tourist Destination

2021-06-02 11:01:13       Size:[L  M  S]

Mar. 18, Domestic Tourism Revitalization and High Quality Development of Tourist Destination Forum was held online. The forum was co-organized by CTA, Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau, Chongqing Culture and Tourism Development Committee, Zhejiang Culture and Tourism Department, Heilongjiang Culture and Tourism Department, Henan Culture and Tourism Department, and Anhui Culture and Tourism Department. More than 500 representatives from CTA, tourism cities and tourist destinations, tourism agencies and media experts attended the discussions.  

Although tourism industry suffered a huge challenge in the past two month, the culture and tourism system has done a good job for the Party, the country and the people. With the development of mass tourism, all-for-one tourism and the integration of culture and tourism, travel has become an indispensable part of national strategy and the good life of people. In countering the sudden strike of the nCovid-2019, culture and tourism system strictly puts the central requirement into practice and gives the safety and health of tourists, staffs and citizens priority. We immediately adjust the key work to pause the group travel, close the tourist attractions, and prevent the epidemic”. The total shutdown of the industry makes sure that the disease hasn’t been spread through organized tourism activities. All participants of culture and tourism system work day and night with full load to organize the return of tourists both at home and abroad, delay 80% warranty charge of travel agencies, adjust the tourism development fund to help tourism companies, instruct the orderly resumption of tourism attractions. Some one even lost their lives. In the fight against the epidemic, we suffered and fought with our people and walked hand in hand with doctors and nurses.

The system must maintain the strategy stability and cooperation capability to  achieve market recovery and industry revitalization with the pressure of imported   cases in future months. At present, the situation of epidemic prevention is taking a favourable turn and has achieved a periodic success. However, it is still not the time for celebration. With the increase of cases in East Asia, Europe and North America, the potential of imported cases through travelling increased. At the same time, the central government also stabilizes the economy and employment by implementing policies in fiscal finance and industry to help the orderly resumption of tourist attractions, hotels, motels and travel agencies. Tasks that the national policies support, people demand and companies inspire must be achieved successfully. The culture and tourism system shall, and must promote the orderly resumption with higher political sense and better cooperation ability.

   Culture and Tourism system must continue to optimize the management system and capability, so as to provide a organizational warranty for realizing the strategy goal of the 14th five year plan, which is to develop the tourism industry with high quality. To revitalize the market does not only mean to go back to the past, but to actively plan the future. With the challenge of 5G, AI, big Data and other technologies, and the opportunities brought by the integration of culture and tourism, as well as impact generated by the globalization, departments of culture and tourism of all levels must increase the sense of crisis and the ability of making countermeasures., must improve the comprehensive ability and leadership of the our staffs. We must hand out a satisfactory paper with answers to major questions, including are the tourists satisfied? Are the market subjects competitive enough? Does the industry has strong growth potential?


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