Annual Report of China Leisure Development 2012-2013

2013-10-22 17:18:22       Size:[L  M  S]

Annual Report of China Leisure Development 2012-2013


Chapter I Introduction
I. Current development and trend of leisure studies
II. Macro background of leisure
III. Framework, methodology, innovative points and meaning of the study
Chapter II Research on leisure time use patterns of Chinese citizens 2012-2013
I. General characteristics of leisure timing of Chinese residents
II. Characteristics of leisure timing of different groups
III. Characteristics of total leisure time of Chinese residents
IV. Brief summary
Chapter III Research on spatial characteristics of leisure activities of Chinese citizens 2012-2013
I. leisure space of urban residents
II. Leisure space of rural residents
III. Brief summary
Chapter IV Research on types of leisure activities of Chinese citizens 2012-2013
I. General characteristics of leisure contents of Chinese residents
II. Characteristics of leisure contents of different groups
III. Conclusion
Chapter V Research on Leisure enterprise development 2012-2013
I. Meaning of the study
II. Study framework and data sources
III. General situation of public leisure enterprises in China
IV. Development of non-public leisure enterprises
V. Conclusion
Chapter VI Research on leisure industry development 2012-2013
I. Tourism industry
II. Catering industry
III. Culture & entertainment industry
IV. Sport & bodybuilding industry
V. Internet industry
VI. Conclusion
Chapter VII Environment and forecast of leisure industry in China 2012-2013
I. Analysis of environment for development of Chinese recreation 2012-2013
II. Predictions of development trend of Chinese recreation
III. Counter-measures and proposals on Chinese recreation development

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