A Monitoring and Early Warning System of Chinese Tourism Economy

2013-07-12 16:28:42       Size:[L  M  S]

A Monitoring and Early Warning System of Chinese Tourism Economy

Chapter I Introduction
I. Background
II. Research design and content framework
III. Technical route and methodology
IV. Major innovations and deficiencies
Chapter II Theories of tourism economy monitoring & early-warning
I. Studies of tourism economy
II. Early-warning of macro economy
III. Early-warning of tourism economy
Chapter III Model building for tourism economy monitoring & early-warning
I. Model design principles and modular composition
II. Steps and methods of model building
III. Screening and confirmation of tourism economy monitoring & early-warning indicator system
Chapter IV Data collection and preliminary test of models
I. Data collection and processing
II. Preliminary test and revision of models
Chapter V Practice in tourism economy monitoring & early-warning - taking2011 Report of Tourism Economy Performance as an example
I. Analysis of 2011 tourism economy performance
II. Trend prediction of 2012 tourism economy performance
III. Conclusion and proposals
Chapter VI Social influence and theoretical outlook on tourism economy early-warning
I. Evaluation of policy transformation and effects
II. Ways and routes of influencing tourism performance
III. Research limits and orientation of theoretical innovations

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