Tian Li

2021-04-06 14:13:08       Size:[L  M  S]

Doctor, professor and doctorial supervisor, graduated from Wuhan University, currently a member of the second Academic Committee of CTA, president of the college of business administration and tourism management of Yunnan University, academic leader of key subjects of tourism management, and presider of tourism management professional projects with national characteristics.

Research fields:Tourism economic management, tourism developing and planning.

Main research achievements: He published textbooks, monographs and translated works including Ecological Tourism, An Introduction to Leisure Research and Research on the Strategies of the Development of the Tourism Management Major, of which the Chinese characters amount to over 2 million. Besides, he published over 60 theses such as Travel Books of Xu Xiake and Tourism Resources Types and its Regional Distribution in Yunnan, On Characteristics and Developing of Special Tourism, On Resources and its Developing of Ethnic Tourism, and Location of Productive Forces and Key Points of the Development of the Tourism Industry in Yunnan. He participated in the internationally cooperative project of “overall planning of the tourism development in Yunnan” and led the important educational reform project “education and teaching reform and development strategies research of the major of tourism management” of the Ministry of Education, “research on the developing of Lancang River — Maigong River tourism” of the government of Yunnan Province, and the internationally cooperative project of “research on building a long-term investment and financing mechanism for the conservation area, and such tourist zone planning projects as “detailed planning for constructing geothermal tourist zone in Dali, and development planning for tourist zone in north Kunming, etc.

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