Shen Baojia

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professor, served as the academic consultant of CTA. In his early years, he studied at the Department of Economics of Southwest United University before transferring to Peking University. He worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy after graduation, then worked as a teacher in Nankai University by request in 1980, and participated in the work of setting up the Department of Tourism Science in 1982. He retired in 1988, and still engaged in the research on the basic theories of tourism science. He passed away in Feb. 2014.

Research field Basic theories of tourism Main research achievements Progress of the Tourism Research in Foreign Countries and Principles of the Tourism Science. Progress of the Tourism Research in Foreign Countries consists of five sequential research overviews, and was published in 1996 in Tourism Tribune which reflected the domestic top-grade research on tourism, and provoked strong repercussions in the domestic academic circles of tourism. His representative work Principles of the Tourism Science, published in 1999, is one of the classical works for studying the basic theories of the tourism science in the country.

Others Awarded “Lifelong Achievement Prize of China’s Tourism Education and Research” in 2008.

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