Zhan Dongmei

2021-04-06 14:29:35       Size:[L  M  S]

Doctor in management, assistant researcher.

Research field: Tourism industry operation and enterprise development.

Education background: 1992-1996, Shandong University of Science and Technology, major in mechatronics, bachelor’s degree.
2000-2003, Renmin University of China, major in business administration, master’s degree.
2006-2009, Nanjing University, major in business administration, doctor degree.

Work experience: 1996-2000, Gaoling government of Yantai, Shandong Province, civil servant.
2003-2006, Whaty Information Technology Co., Ltd., department manager.

Main research achievements: She has published 5 academic theses, participated in 2 natural science foundations, 1 subject at the ministry level, and complied 1 book.

Main academic thesis: Research on the Rural Labor Force Transfer mode of Britain, America and Japan (2008)

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